The winners of the coveted Mark Twain Masonic Awareness Award were announced at the conference of Grand Masters of North America on February 22, 2010 and Gate City II was among those named. After several unsuccessful bids for Lodge of the Year in our local district, GCII decided to try its hand at a national award. The Mark Twain Masonic Awareness Award was suggested by Joe Brooks and David Herman.
Established "to recognize lodges that have demonstrated exemplary work in constructing a positive Masonic identity within the lodge and for the local community," the Mark Twain Masonic Awareness Award has been presented to fewer than 100 lodges nationally in the four years since its inception. There are over 13,000 Masonic Lodges in the United States.
The award is presented annually to those lodges that demonstrate exceptional commitment to Freemasonry's philosophy of self-improvement and enlightenment,and have successfully addressed the challenges of improving Masonic Awareness within both the lodge and the community - and whose brothers have done so with exemplary skill, creativity, and resourcefulness.
Measurement criteria include considering what the lodge did to heighten Masonic awareness in the community by communicating traditional Masonic values, as well as what the lodge did to provide camaraderie, build enthusiasm among members, and create an environment of mutual respect.
For more information about the Twain Award, please visit
To see the list of the eighteen lodges who were 2009 recipients of the Mark Twain Award, Please visit Mark Twain Award Winners 2009
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Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309