Monday, June 21, 2010

Bill Wallace makes it to High Camp on Mt. Rainier:

Mt. Rainier is 14,430 feet above sea level and is a very challenging mountain to climb. Bill's group made it to high camp but decided that attempting to achieve the summit was too dangerous based on the loose snowpack and the potential for avalanche. Just the week before, 12 climbers were swept away due to avalanche. There was one fatality as a result and the climber is still buried on the mountain.

The climb involved climbing to Muir base camp on an average 45 degree slope for 5 hours with a 50 lb pack. Definitely a challenge that requires excellent physical and mental conditioning. Only about 40% of attempts result in a successful summit.

Better luck next time, Bill!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gate City Lodge No. 2 goes on summer schedule:

With the summer months here, GCII goes on a 2-4-2 schedule: 2nd Tuesday June, 4th Tuesday July and 2nd Tuesday in August. The next time we will meet for a regular communication is July 27, 2010. Our communication in August will be on the 10th.

Keep in mind, with nine Entered Apprentices in progress, a couple of communications for the conferral of the Fellowcraft Degree are imminent. Worshipful Master Donald Hall has some other events planned which will be announced in the coming days. We'll keep you posted.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Colonel Steel: Patriotism Without Action Is Counterfeit: Photos By Ross Laver:

On June 8. 2010, Gate City welcomed Colonel Michael Steele to speak on the sacrifices of the American Soldier. Colonel Steele became legendary through the movie and book, Black Hawk Down. A fame and legend he and freely and outwardly shuns.

An excited group began to gather around 6PM for the presentation. By Seven Thirty, we counted over ninety guests. Beaux Pettys introduced Colonel Steel to the gathering.

Colonel Steele's presence was commanding. Through a computer projector with images behind him, he introduced us to several of the men with whom he'd had the honor of serving. He told us of their backgrounds and accomplishments and would tell us in what part of the country they were. The screen would then flash to where those brave men currently resided only to reveal their respective tombstones. These were bright men with great futures who loved their country - and died for freedom.

Colonel Steele showed us an American Flag, which was given him, that was pulled from the rubble of the World Trade center on 9/11. He flew the same flag over bases across Afghanistan and Iraq. "Freedom is paid for with blood," He said. "I hope that we will never again nonchalantly walk by our flag."

Much of what Colonel Steele imparted to us will not be reprinted or described here. Such were his observations, his experiences, and his memories - these could never really be conveyed, with any justice done to them, except by Colonel Steele. The sincerity and love with which he spoke about our Country, our freedom and our soldiers left us awestruck and renewed.

What could anyone do but give him the standing ovation which he deserved.

In addition to an autographed copy of Mike Karpovage's new novel, A Crown Of Serpents, Worshipful Master Donald Hall presents Colonel Steele with a tokien of our appreciation.

Gate City Annual Retreat Scheduled for the Weekend of December 3 - 5:

The Brethren of Gate City Lodge No. 2 have decided on a date for the Sixth Annual Retreat. Breaking with the usual scheduling of our retreat for the weekend before the annual communication, it was decided that the second Tuesday came too late in December this year. The idea for the change was given by Worshipful Brother David Johnston and approved by Worshipful Master Donald Hall.

Our Retreat focuses on Officer Proficiency, Catechisms, planning and Fellowship. Over thirty brethren are reasonably expected over the weekend. The retreat is held in Big Canoe at a large house which features amenities such as two kitchens, heated pool, large outside deck with a view and a home theatre which makes for a great Lodge Hall for practice.

The first retreat was held in 2005 by the incoming Master, Beaux Pettys. The attendees were: Beaux Pettys, Don Sawyer, Doug Hrabe, Michael Bjelajac, David Johnston and Tom Lawrence. Joe Brooks and Jeff Hodges came by that weekend as well to offer input and support.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tomorrow Night: Colonel Michael Steele: Sacrifice of the American Soldier: All Brethren, Family and Friends Welcome to attend:

Colonel Michael D. Steele, United States Army, former Company Commander in the 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment during the Somalia mission Operation Gothic Serpent, which resulted in the book and movie Black Hawk Down, will be at Gate City Lodge No. 2 on June 8, 2010. Colonel Steele will talk about the sacrifice of the American Soldier throughout our Country's history.

Dinner is at 6:30PM, is $7, and will be hamburgers and hot dogs. The presentation will begin at 7:30PM. No media (cameras or recording devices) of any kind will be allowed.

Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309