Brother E. Ray Knittel, Most Worshipful Grand Master of Free & Accepted Masons in Georgia visited Gate City Lodge No. 2; along with several members of the Grand Lodge Officer and District Deputies. Gate City Lodge was honored to have the Grand Master and his illustrious committee visit us.
His visit started with being serenaded by violinist Keith Dunn and later in lodge by WB. Beaux Petty's during the floor work.
The Stewards served a wonderful meal for the Grand Masters visit.
The wonderful meal was topped off by a cake to honor the Grand Master's visit.
WGM Knittel pose with WM Marshall, WB Long, and PGM Jennings. |
WGM Knittel cutting the cake.
WGM Knittel and WM Victor Marshall pose for a picture.
View from the East while the GM was giving his speech. |
WGM Knittel along with PGM Jennings, several members of the Grand Lodge officers and distinguished District Deputies. |
GM Knittel along with WM Victor Marshall, WB Long, and the 2013 Gate City Officers. |
The Grand Master posing with Veterans |
GM Posing with WW2 Veterans |
GM Posing with sitting Worshipful Masters |
(Left to Right: WM Victor Marshall, WGM E. Ray Knittel, WB David Herman, WB John Holt, WB Beaux Pettys, PGM Edward Jennings, Zeithlin Waters (SW), Doug Hrabe (PM)). |