Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Gate City Lodge No. 2 and Palestine Lodge No. 486 Clean up day

Gate City Lodge No. 2 and Palestine Lodge No. 486  had a combined cleanup day of the Atlanta Masonic Center on Saturday August 23rd, 2014.  The Brethen of both lodges painted, planted new flowers, pressure washed, trimmed hedges, and cleared the front sidewalk in front of the AMC.  It was a hard days work, but the Brethren had fun doing it.   Gate City appreciates the opportunity to work with Palestine in helping with building upkeep.  Some of the Brethren had left before we had an opportunity to catch them working, but all the hard work was greatly appreciated. 

Members of Gate City Lodge No. 2 and Palestine No. 286 pose. 
Bro. Llewellyn working up a sweat getting rid of weeds. 

Bro. Victor Marshall getting some exercise near the front gate.

The Brethren taking a brief break before getting a group picture.