Gate City and friends from Chamblee Sardis 444, Fulton 216, and Royal Lodge of Faith & Friendship, were among the two hundred plus Freemasons in attendance at the celebration of the 275th year anniversary of Solomon's Lodge. It being the 275th anniversary of Solomon's Lodge, would necessitate the same being the case for Freemasonry in Georgia. Most Worshipful Grandmaster Jennings and several of the Grand Line were in attendance as well as many Masonic dignitaries from across the state and beyond. Solomon's One of Charleston, SC, just two years younger than her sister Lodge of Savannah, was also on hand to celebrate the occasion.
The days festivities included a Cornerstone Laying, Luncheon, Lectures and the exemplification of the Hiramic Legend. Because of the large turn out, Solomon's Lodge used the banquet hall at the Hyatt. Each door was sealed with tape and was stationed with two Tylers.
The Brethren of Bay Street offered a lesson in Freemasonry to anyone who was their to watch. I had the pleasure of witnessing a raising at Solomon's four years ago and the honor of assisting as a Craftsman. This time I was content to watch and enjoy and it was all the more impressive.
Junior Deacon Porter, PM, is a Masonic Scholar and ritualist supreme. During his lecture, he named some of the great brethren of Georgia Freemasons including the line, "the brethren of Gate City II will certainly swell with pride at the mention of Henry Grady, owner and editor of The Atlanta Constitution." We were moved.
One day, perhaps on the 375th anniversary of Freemason's in Georgia, someone will mention Brother Porter's name and the brethren of Solomon's Lodge will in turn swell with pride and maybe they will recognize the relief given in a kind word - a hundred years prior.

Gate City II is a Regular Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. Our regular meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays January – May, September – November, the 2nd Tuesday in June, August and December and the 4th Tuesday in July. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
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