The annual Gate City II retreat has been scheduled for the first weekend in December. The house in Big Canoe is reserved and ready. As some of you doubtless recall, the house features a gourmet kitchen. As he did last year, David Llewellyn will be putting the kitchen to great use. Among the other many amenities are the huge deck overlooking a few mountains, heated pool and jacuzzi, pool table, two entertainment centers, three fireplaces, and bad cell phone service...yes!
The retreat also serves as a means for officers to ready themselves in their respective new positions. The house features a large theatre room in the basement which doubles as a lodge hall. There will be five practices scheduled throughout the weekend for ritual work.
Our new Brethren are not excluded. By the time the retreat rolls around we should have another class in training. Fellowcraft and Entered Apprentice Brethren still learning catechisms will receive instruction upstairs while the officers are training downstairs.
Brethren who are not officers or training for Catechism are invited as well. There is plenty of time for fellowship. Brethren that are not members of Gate City 2 may also inquire about attending.
The cost is $125 for the weekend including food. Make your reservations now rsvp@gatecity2.org

Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309

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