In my experience, the typical Tyler is an older Brother - most often grandfatherly in demeanor and transparent in motive. Usually opinionated yet well meaning, the stereotypical Tyler is a favorite in the Lodge. The "Old Tyler" articles seem to resonate our affinity for the office and whimsically profiles the gentleman which usually fills that station.
Our new Tyler, David Herman, fulfills all of the above listed precepts save one - he's in his forties. With less than a year in Gate City and sixteen in Freemasonry, David has held many stations: DDGM, Meld Committee, District Line, Director of Work and the East.
We are honored to have such a well seasoned, yet younger, man of the Craft as our Tyler. It doesn't get any better than that.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Prosperous New Year!

May The Lord bless you and keep you.
Gate City Lodge No. 2
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Next Meeting: January 12, 2010

GCII has turned the lights out on 2009. Per our by laws, there is no second communication in December. Our next Regular Communication will be January 12, 2009.

Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Sunday, December 13, 2009
John Holt Receives Knight's Templar Cross of Honor and Other Awards:
As most of us know, it has been a year of ups and downs for Worshipful Brother John Holt. While he's endured a two month rehabilitation after a massive blood clot was found in his left hip, he was also given the Knight's Templar Cross of Honor. He has recently been appointed the State Chairman for the Knight's Templar Eye Foundation. Palestine Lodge No. 486 honored John last week with a dinner in his honor and and award for Mason of the Year in their Lodge.
John will be getting rides to Lodge for the next few months until his leg is rehabilitated. He can move around, only to an extent, and has to use a walker to do so. But as all of us know, even though he can barely walk, he stands tall on principles.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
John will be getting rides to Lodge for the next few months until his leg is rehabilitated. He can move around, only to an extent, and has to use a walker to do so. But as all of us know, even though he can barely walk, he stands tall on principles.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Thursday, December 10, 2009
December 8, 2009: Annual Communication

The Annual Communication of Gate City Lodge No. 2 was held on December 8, 2009. Fresh off of our Annual Retreat, The Officer's line executed a near perfect Opening and Closing with all of the precision that we have come to expect.
2009 was an exemplary year for Gate City II: Four hundred attended the six Religion and Culture installments, two Chips events, a huge lodge retreat, great fellowship, nine new Brethren since February. While all of GCII were pleased with the results of 2009...We are looking forward.
Forward began at the Annual Communication.
Our Senior Warden, William Wallace, was unable to move to the East. Wallace has been on five continents this year and expects to be traveling more in 2010. William Wallace removed himself from consideration in July of 2009 with the understanding and well wishes of his Brethren.

Worshipful Master: Michael Bjelajac
Treasurer: David Johnston
Secretary: Tom Lawrence
Assistant Secretary: Doug Hrabe
Chaplain: Dan Genson
Senior Warden: Donald Hall
Junior Warden: Nicholas Hayes
Senior Deacon: Minh Van
Junior Deacon: Victor Marshall
Senior Steward: Zeithlin Waters
Junior Steward: B.J. Crapps
Tyler: David Herman
Ambassador To The Children's Home: Mike Wallace
Temple Board Representative: John Guest
Director Of Work: Beaux Pettys

Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
2009 Retreat A BIG Success!!!

The Fifth Annual Gate City Lodge No. 2 Retreat was a wild success. Twenty Seven Brethren attended the two day event which featured a great combination of work and fellowship. GCII welcomed several guests from Lodges as far away as Peru and New York to brethren around Atlanta including Chamblee, Sandy Springs and Palestine.
The six thousand square foot house was just big enough to accommodate every thing that was going on - and there was a lot! Our Entered Apprentice Brethren worked well into their Catechisms. Doug Hrabe and Tom Lawrence were busy with Lodge administration. The officers drilled repeatedly on the opening and closing ritual. David Llewellyn cooked for what seemed to be the entire time. Officers from Chamblee Lodge were busy planning out their upcoming year.
The evenings were devoted to fellowship and unstructured time. Whether enjoying the heated pool, hot tub, pool table or watching football, everyone was relaxing and enjoying himself in the company of his Brethren.
One of the attendees, a brother, raised six years ago, who has just affiliated with GCII in the last six months, commented, "This is one of the things that I thought Freemasonry was supposed to be doing when I joined the craft." So did we - so we did.

Our retreat house featured four large fireplaces.

Alan stopped by the Airport on his way to the retreat to pick up his latest bird - an owl. Nothing stops twenty Brethren from talking quicker than the introduction of a live owl into the room. Everyone was amazed to see the raptor up close. Alan gave pointers as well as talked about Falconry, which also happens to be his occupation.

Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Four Initiated on Tuesday, December 1, 2009:
Atlanta Masonic Center, York Rite Room: With David Herman sitting in the East for the first section of the Entered Apprentice Degree, the Brethren of Gate City II delivered an impressive Initiation for four candidates. Rick King, Shane Moore, Alan Colussy, and Giorgio Calanni were the recipients of the excellent conferral which was given at a called communication on Tuesday, December 1, 2009. The two David's were stellar. David Herman conferred the degree with excellent precision. David Johnston masterfully delivered the Charity and Apron lectures as well as the fabled second section. Beaux Pettys turned in the Northeast Corner Lecture with what some felt was his best yet. Mike Bjelajac, Zeithlin Waters, David Llewellyn, Victor Marshall, Minh Van were all great in their roles - our candidates received a proper initiation.
This was the third degree given in as many weeks. The Brethren of GCII have really been working. The Fellowcraft and Master's degrees are expected in January and February respectively.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
This was the third degree given in as many weeks. The Brethren of GCII have really been working. The Fellowcraft and Master's degrees are expected in January and February respectively.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Director of Work Role to Become a Committee Role:
GCII will have three Directors of Work next year. With a class of four starting on Tuesday and another class of the same size starting shortly thereafter, Beaux Pettys has recommended an expansion of the Director of Work role to a committee.
The Committee will feature David Herman, Zeithlin Waters & Beaux Pettys. The Committee will split the duties of the traditional role and offer greater individual time to officers, Brethren and candidates in ritual, catechism work and lectures.
The Committee will feature David Herman, Zeithlin Waters & Beaux Pettys. The Committee will split the duties of the traditional role and offer greater individual time to officers, Brethren and candidates in ritual, catechism work and lectures.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Three Raised Last Night:
Last night's communication featured the raising of three to the Sublime Degree. Several guests were there to witness the event from Chamblee, Fulton, Atlanta - Peachtree, Masters and Justice Lodge of Lima, Peru.
The candidates received their degrees in the warmly illuminated South Lodge. All of the Brethren participating did a great job in the Raising. However, last night's standout was Zeithlin Waters, Catechism Coach, who has led two excellent proficiency examinations in just two weeks. Great job!
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
The candidates received their degrees in the warmly illuminated South Lodge. All of the Brethren participating did a great job in the Raising. However, last night's standout was Zeithlin Waters, Catechism Coach, who has led two excellent proficiency examinations in just two weeks. Great job!
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Monday, November 23, 2009
GCII Annual Retreat December 4-6th:
The Gate City II Annual Retreat will start on Friday, December 4, 2009 and end Sunday morning, December 6, 2009. The schedule is as follows:
Friday Night:
6PM: Officers Training
Entered Apprentice Catechism Training
Master Catechism Training
8PM: Dinner
8AM: Breakfast
9AM: Officers Training
Entered Apprentice Catechism Training
Master Catechism Training
10:30AM: Break
11AM: Resume Practice / Catechisms
12PM Lunch
1:30PM: Resume Practice / Catechisms
3PM: Break
3:30PM: Resume Practice / Catechisms
5PM: Break
6PM: Resume Practice / Catechisms
7PM: Break for evening
8PM: Dinner
9:30PM: Michael Karpovage presentation on his new book.
9AM: Breakfast
10AM: Adjourn
We are expecting twenty five this year!
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Friday Night:
6PM: Officers Training
Entered Apprentice Catechism Training
Master Catechism Training
8PM: Dinner
8AM: Breakfast
9AM: Officers Training
Entered Apprentice Catechism Training
Master Catechism Training
10:30AM: Break
11AM: Resume Practice / Catechisms
12PM Lunch
1:30PM: Resume Practice / Catechisms
3PM: Break
3:30PM: Resume Practice / Catechisms
5PM: Break
6PM: Resume Practice / Catechisms
7PM: Break for evening
8PM: Dinner
9:30PM: Michael Karpovage presentation on his new book.
9AM: Breakfast
10AM: Adjourn
We are expecting twenty five this year!
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Zeithlin Waters Takes On Catechism Coaching:
Zeithlin Waters, JS, though just raised in February, has taken the helm of Catechism Coach. Zeithlin has done outstanding work with our latest class and looks forward to working with the next class as well. With yet another class poised to begin in February, he'll have his work cut out for him.
Well done Zeithlin!
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Well done Zeithlin!
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Called Communication: Four to Receive Entered Apprentice:
Four candidates are slated to receive the Entered Apprentice Degree by called communication on Tuesday December 1, 2009. Their occupations are Entrepreneur: Photography Studio Owner, Missile Defense Contractor, Georgia Tech Professor, Entrepreneur: Falconer.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Three to be Raised Tomorrow Night:: The Father will Raise the Son:
GCII will be raising three candidates on Tuesday, November 23, 2009. Senior Warden Bill Wallace will have the distinct honor of Raising his son, Mike, to the Sublime Degree.
The degree team will feature Gate City's strongest ritualists: Beaux Pettys, Mike Bjelajac, David Johnston and David Herman.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
The degree team will feature Gate City's strongest ritualists: Beaux Pettys, Mike Bjelajac, David Johnston and David Herman.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Monday, November 9, 2009
Fellowcraft Degree Tomorrow Night:
On Tuesday night, November 9, 2009, GCII will confer the Fellowcraft degree on three candidates. The degree will be conferred by Beaux Pettys with Mike Bjelajac as the Senior Deacon. David Jonston, who usually delivers the Staircase Lecture, will be unable to attend but Randy Hazan, Fulton 216, will present in his absence. Beaux Pettys will be giving the Letter G Lecture.
The Raising has been scheduled for November 23, 2009.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
The Raising has been scheduled for November 23, 2009.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
GCII at Grand Lodge 2009:

Ten Past Masters and our current Stewards pose for a picture outside of Longhorn Steakhouse in Macon, GA. They broke for lunch shortly after the adjournment of Grand Lodge 2009.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Hear interview with GCII regular, Michael Karpovage, on his new book, Crown Of Serpents:

Click here for Interview

Well Done Michael!
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Sunday, October 18, 2009
GCII: Annual Retreat: December 4th - 6th:
Our Annual Lodge Retreat is fast approaching. We have capped the amount of attendees at 25. There will be Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft Catechism classes as well as Officer Opening and Closing ritual work. With nine officers training, nine candidates learning, three coaches and two cooks, there are only two spots left. First come, first served.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
GCII CHIPS: Cold and Rainy Staurday at the Highland games followed by cold and sunny Sunday:
Gate City II showed their meddle by sticking out a cold, wet Saturday at the Stone Mountain Highland Games. The only thing warm in our booth was the crock pot for the dental impressions. During the weekend, over thirty volunteers showed up to lend a hand but with the bad weather came poor game attendance. Between Saturday and Sunday, seventy children received CHIPS processing. A truly worthy cause.
The surroundings of bagpipe bands, Scottish culture, great food and good fellowship made the cold bearable. Huge thanks and praises go to June and Ross Laver for all of their support and devotion to this great program.
We were asked back for next year, October 16 - 17, 2010, and have accepted. The promoters have promised better weather.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
The surroundings of bagpipe bands, Scottish culture, great food and good fellowship made the cold bearable. Huge thanks and praises go to June and Ross Laver for all of their support and devotion to this great program.
We were asked back for next year, October 16 - 17, 2010, and have accepted. The promoters have promised better weather.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Saturday, October 17, 2009
185 Show Up To Roast Leonard Buffington

Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009: The Haggis Was Addressed...and Consumed!

Addresser: Richard Graham
Bagpipes: George McLellan
Swordsman I: Ross Wylie
Swordsman II: Charles Bogle III
Platter: Alexander Davidson (Our very own)

Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
One For The Scotts: The Battle of Balaklava: The Thin Red Line: Octobber 25th, 1854:

With all of the talk in the last entry of St Crispens Day being on October 25th, and falling on the heels of our Address to the Haggis and our Georgia Chips event at the Stone Mountain Highland Games, I am remiss in not mentioning The Thin Red Line. One for our Scotsmen. 'Er ye goo lads!
The Russian cavalry force of 2,500 rode down the road to Balaklava. It was early morning and the sole force that lay between the oncoming cavalry and the disorganized and vulnerable British camp was the 93rd Regiment.
Campbell is said to have told his men, "There is no retreat from here, men. You must die where you stand." Sir Colin's aide John Scott is said to have replied, "Aye, Sir Colin. If needs be, we'll do that." (Campbell's relationship with his men was almost family-like.) Campbell formed the 93rd into a line two deep — the "thin red line". Convention dictated that the line should be four deep, however Campbell, a grizzled veteran of 41 years military service, had such a low opinion of the Russian cavalry that he did not bother to form four lines, let alone a square, but met the charge head on with the 2-deep firing line.[citation needed] Contrary to popular belief, the 93rd discharged three volleys, at 800, 500 and 350 yards, and not one at point-blank (as at Minden in 1759). However, despite the casualties inflicted, the Hussars and Cossacks would undoubtedly have overrun the British line; it was good fortune that saved them, as the Russian commander, seeing so thin a line of British infantry, concluded that this was a diversion and that there was a much stronger force behind the 93rd, and ordered the cavalry to withdraw. At that, some of the Highlanders started forward for a counter-charge, but Sir Colin stopped them with a cry of "93rd, damn all that eagerness!".
The Times correspondent, William H. Russell, wrote that he could see nothing between the charging Russians and the British base of operations at Balaclava but the "thin red streak tipped with a line of steel" of the 93rd. Popularly condensed into "the thin red line", the phrase became a symbol for British sangfroid in battle.
The battle is represented in Robert Gibb's 1881 painting of the same name, which is displayed at the National War Museum in Edinburgh Castle. It is also commemorated in the assembly hall of Campbell's former school Glasgow High School, where there is a painting of the action hung in the grand position, a tribute to one of the school's two generals, the other being Sir John Moore who was dismembered by a cannonball during the Peninsular War.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
St. Crispen's Day: October 25th

No offense to the wonderful Scottish Brethren from last night's Burn's celebration, but the English victory at Agincourt, over a vastly superior French force, still ranks as one of the all time surprise routes in world history. What better way to commemorate St Crispen's Day, so closely identified with Agincourt, than with the immortal soliloquy from Shakespeare's Henry V:
What's he that wishes so?
My cousin Westmoreland? No, my fair cousin;
If we are mark'd to die, we are enow
To do our country loss; and if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God's will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,
Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
It yearns me not if men my garments wear;
Such outward things dwell not in my desires.
But if it be a sin to covet honour,
I am the most offending soul alive.
No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from England.
God's peace! I would not lose so great an honour
As one man more methinks would share from me
For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!
Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made,
And crowns for convoy put into his purse;
We would not die in that man's company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is call'd the feast of Crispian.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam'd,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian.'
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say 'These wounds I had on Crispian's day.'
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he'll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words-
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester-
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb'red.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Gate City Staple, Sanjay Mody, meets Lady Margaret Thatcher

GCII staple, when he's not in London, Sanjay Mody, recently had a chance to ham it up with Lady Margaret Thatcher. Sanjay calls Lady Margaret, "the greatest peace time Prime Minister we've ever had." Sanjay is a citizen of the United Kingdom and goes back and forth from London to Atlanta on a regular basis. He is a graduate of Emory University and is doing his internship in London. The soon to be Dr. Mody should be gracing us with his presence in the upcoming months. Well done chap!
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Grand Master of Virginia Makes Statement, Sets Policy, Against Solicitation for KKK, Aryan Nation, and Other Subversive Groups, in Masonic Lodges:

Most Worshipful Jeffery E. Hodges wrote a letter with the following statement:
With regard to organizations that are anti-Semitic, racist or antisocial in their doctrine and advocation, such as but not limited to, the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, etc., the following will be the policy of the Grand Lodge of Virginia: it is not acceptable to present information on, display association with, or solicit involvement in such organizations in a Masonic Lodge holden under the Grand Lodge of Virginia. At no time, should such organizations be linked to our gentle Craft.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
From The Grand Lodge of Virginia Herald, Fall 2009: Do Good Unto All by Shelby L. Chandler:

Do Good unto All
Bro. Shelby L. Chandler
JW, Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4
Members of Fredericksburg No. 4 and Prince Hall No. 61
Freemasonry is that universal Brotherhood which has endured the test of time for over 400 years and yet it is still, and will continue to be, on trial for the Ages. Understand that there will always be those out there who will believe us to be the blanket that threatens to envelop the world. They are studying us to find that one strand to pull that will eventually unravel the Masonic tapestry that they fear or despise. With that being said, what are we as Freemasons doing to set the record straight about this Craft of ours? How many members of this great Fraternity are actually taking the time to raise up their working tools in order to “build that temple within themselves”?
Outside of Virginia, there is a Masonic Lodge that is in the middle of a heated battle against what I consider “Indirect Racism”, for not only is bigotry subtly being practiced, it is also inappropriately being justified as one of the Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry. Generally, the actions within the Jurisdiction of every Grand Lodge are their own. However, when charges are preferred upon a Worshipful Master and his Lodge because they raised a “non-white” man to the degree of Master Mason, using as justification for the charges the…”usurpation of the constitution, laws, ancient landmarks, customs and traditions of…Masons”—this challenges the very foundation and core of our “Ancient Landmarks & Customs of Freemasonry”. At that point, this spills beyond their Grand Jurisdiction and right onto the lap of every Brother who has ever been raised and is in good standing.
The Constitution of Masonry reports, “Whence it follows that all Masons are to be good men and true—men of honor and honesty, by whatever religious names or persuasions distinguished; always following that golden precept, of "doing unto all men as (upon a change of conditions) they would that all men should do unto them. “ Understanding this, we recognize the importance of both true virtues and a clear respect for our fellow man in as much as we would wish this reciprocated. Worldwide, we as Freemasons suffer hatreds and prejudices by those who from their uninformed and closed-minded disposition would destroy the character of our beloved Craft; that being said, why would we wish to direct this fate upon any other of the human race?
As Masons, we must keep a constant check of ourselves to be sure that we are living our lives in the manner that brings honor to the Craft. We are not Brothers so that we can save one another from minor infractions of the law, or to broker a better deal for ourselves in business, or even to save one another from our own foolishness or stupidity. We are Brothers because we hold each other to the highest of standards and we understand that the life we live in this world is a difficult but rewarding one. Bigotry and Freemasonry are polar opposites of each other and ardent adversaries when faced with one another and never should one be practiced with the other.
We are the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God. In a time when morality is declining within our society, there are so few good and honorable men in this world that one can rely upon; it is a shameful thing that there are those who would deny themselves and others the opportunity to know the experience and soul of another human being just because of the shell that we are destined to wear in this imperfect world. But I guarantee you that when we lay down our working tools, my Brother’s ashlar will fit as perfectly as mine when placed in that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
As for that maligned Lodge mentioned above, all Masonic charges have been dropped. However, there is still a grassroots movement by other Lodges in their Grand Jurisdiction to petition to have the Charter of that Lodge removed as punishment for raising a Brother of “non-white” descent. But this is not only their burden; every Grand Jurisdiction faces this issue. Even in Virginia, Most Worshipful Jeffery E. Hodges wrote a letter with the following statement:
With regard to organizations that are anti-semantic, racist or antisocial in their doctrine and avocation, such as but not limited to, the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Nations, etc., the following will be the policy of the Grand Lodge of Virginia: it is not acceptable to present information on, display association with, or solicit involvement in such organizations in a Masonic Lodge holden under the Grand Lodge of Virginia. At no time, should such organizations be linked to our gentle Craft.
I personally believe this to mean that, in addition to the ban on organization linkages, Virginia Masonry should regard the qualities and virtues of a Freemason as incompatible with the immoral behavior affirmed by such groups. Brethren, we all have our own problems and challenges of life, but we need to keep working to chip away at our own rough ashlars to make them perfect. The imperfections of our individuality are acceptable only because we are still utilizing our working tools to that end to accomplish and overcome. To act in denial or to refuse to change or improve ourselves and accept a life of hate is truly against the Ancient Landmarks and Customs of Freemasonry, and we should always check ourselves and take a good look at the edifice that we are building within.
Brethren, there will always be someone willing to unravel this beautiful tapestry that we know as Freemasonry. Let us not help them find that strand, but more especially let us not allow one of our own to unravel that tapestry from the seams within. Let us remember to do good unto all; recommend it more especially to the household of the faithful.
I promise you Brethren, the Great Architect of the Universe will remember.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Friday, October 2, 2009
ATTENTION: Latest Letter To Circulate Not From Gate City II:
There is another letter being circulated throughout Georgia Freemasonry. This letter, however, is anonymous. The envelope has no return address and the contents are merely a list of names of Gate City II members with Grand Lodge Offices beside said names.
The names with offices are cut into neat little slips which may be fitted into a coat pocket - for the Mason on the go. Whether the motives were misdirected good intentions or a malicious effort to get names published, for whatever reason, is unknown. What is known is that, regardless of intent or motive, the letter is unauthorized and constitutes either unwanted electioneering or un-Masonic conduct. Fortunately, the envelope is handwritten which gives a good sample of the senders penmanship - or lack thereof.
No member of Gate City II has any involvement in the writing, distribution, or planning of said letter. Any and all information regarding this matter is welcome.
No member of Gate City II is seeking any office named in said letter.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
The names with offices are cut into neat little slips which may be fitted into a coat pocket - for the Mason on the go. Whether the motives were misdirected good intentions or a malicious effort to get names published, for whatever reason, is unknown. What is known is that, regardless of intent or motive, the letter is unauthorized and constitutes either unwanted electioneering or un-Masonic conduct. Fortunately, the envelope is handwritten which gives a good sample of the senders penmanship - or lack thereof.
No member of Gate City II has any involvement in the writing, distribution, or planning of said letter. Any and all information regarding this matter is welcome.
No member of Gate City II is seeking any office named in said letter.
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A Wonderful Quote From Morals And Dogma.

"He who will basely fawn on those who have office to bestow, will betray like Iscariot, and prove a miserable and pitiable failure. . . . . The Republic that employs and honors the shallow, the superficial, the base, 'who crouch [u]nto the offal of an office promised,' at last weeps tears of blood for its fatal error. Let the nobility of every great heart, condensed into justice and truth, strike such creatures like a thunderbolt! If you can do no more, you can at least condemn by your vote, and ostracisze by denunciation."
A. Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 48 (1871)
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Monday, September 21, 2009
Eulogy For Gate City II's Theron Roye Locke by Audrey McAleer

On Saturday, September 19, 2009, Gate City II said good bye to T.R. Locke. The long line of family and friends who were on hand to honor and say farewell was moving. It was difficult to stay composed as loved ones passed by the open casket for one last view and a final word. GCII was on hand as pallbearers as well as ritualists for the Masonic Graveside Service. Three representatives from the DeKalb Masonic Memorial Club were also on hand, at graveside, to assist as Stewards and the Chaplain. David Herman delivered the ritual with pride for the fraternity, love for his deceased brother, and heartfelt sympathy for the wonderful family of T.R. Locke.
I cannot write the words well enough to convey what a true spirit to the craft has been lost by the passing of Brother Locke. Nor can I fully impart the extent to which Theron Roye Locke fully embodied the principles of Gate City Lodge No. 2. That being said, Mrs. Audrey McAleer has graciously allowed us to publish her eulogy for Theron Roye Locke.
Eulogy for Theron Roye (T.R.) Locke
By Audrey McAleer
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m one of T.R.’s sisters-in-law. About four years ago, the last time TR and Raye came to visit Hugh and I, TR asked me out on my patio and asked me if I would give his eulogy when he passed away. I had to think long and hard about this but considered it to be such an honor to be asked to do this that I agreed. I told him it would be hard but I would strive to do my best for him.
TR was a man of many passions. He loved pheasant hunting, he loved dancing with his beloved Baby Raye as he called her, he was a giver, sometimes to his own detriment, and he was an avid Shriner for the crippled and burned children in this world. I remember him going out on hot summer mornings to shake his bucket to collect money for the Scottish Rite Hospital and return with a big smile on his face with a bucket full of money for the children.
As most of you know, one of TR’s lifelong passions was his love of wood. He loved trees of any kind. On road trips to Florida or just around the countryside, he would point out all the types of trees and for what they would be used. I believe that at each home TR ever lived in, he left behind trees for the next generation to enjoy. His son -in-law David made the remark yesterday that TR was probably in Heaven pointing out all the pear trees, the apple trees, and the cherry trees. He loved cherry wood so much that in helping Raye finalize his arrangements yesterday, Judy and Iantha said their Daddy would want fine cherry wood in which to lay and that is exactly what they picked out for him.
When I first met TR, I also met his best friend Sam Coley. Back in the day of racial inequality, I was surprised, oh so pleasantly so, to see that two men of different races could have such a brotherly bond. They shared many good bourbons and good cigars together. When they both grew older and feeble, they talked daily and shared their stories. You know how it goes - it starts out do you remember when we ... and they would talk for hours about their many escapades as we called them. If TR had cigars, Sam had cigars in ample supply. I was with Raye when she called Sam about TR’s passing. He was the only friend of TR’s that Raye could not tell TR had passed away. She could only call his name and that was the only person I had the horrible position of telling for her that TR had passed on from this life.
TR had a lot of stories about growing up in the country. I remember that most of his stories would start with “When I was a lad of a boy.” And then he would proceed to tell us about growing up from humble means here in Cumming to building his dream house, Locke Manor, and many stories in between and after. I knew that when I heard the words, when I was a lad of a boy, we were in for a tale.
TR and I had a little ritual that when we would come to visit him and Raye, we would share a glass of champagne. It just seemed like something so special for us to do. However, he could never get me to try his homemade wine that he loved making so much. When he got too feeble to make the wine himself, many times he cajoled Hugh and Johnny into doing the job for him. We all know he was good at supervising. He was so good at supervising that he even got me to plant tomatoes in the last garden he had - in my pajamas on a Sunday morning and barefoot. He is the only person on this earth who could get me to do that.
When Raye and I were talking the other night, we recalled an incident with TR which always made us laugh and it still had the power to do so on such a sad day. He was making an infomercial for a marketing company which he founded. His longtime hairdresser talked him into curling his hair. When he came back to the office and popped his head into the door and said, with that special grin on his face, what do you think, we almost fell out of our chairs laughing. Well he knew what we thought okay and that was the end of the perm. As you all know, he would try anything once, and that was a one time event.
TR loved all his daughters to a fault. He bragged on their accomplishments and didn’t hesitate to tell you about them. In his latter years, especially when he became pretty much bedridden, he so looked forward to their visits and phone calls. When one called or came by, he was sure to tell you about it.
His grandchildren were no different. Like most grandparents, the fridge was full of pictures of the milestones in their lives. I remember visiting one weekend and it was time for breakfast. Maddie Raye was sent to call PaPa to the table. For her he would get up out of bed even when it wasn’t easy. I think Maddie was about 2 and she took him by the hand and said I’ll help you walk to the kitchen PaPa. And she did. And when she got him to the kitchen, she pulled his chair out for him. I think he felt like a king being seated on his throne for such a little child to do that for him with so much love in her heart. He often told Maddie, that she was God’s little angel who God picked up every night and brought her back to him every morning.
When TR knew his time was drawing near, he and Raye had many talks about the final preparations. The only thing that Raye could not fulfill for him was his wish to be driven around I-285 in a hearse with Last Date by Floyd Cramer playing. There is a little story behind that. When they were dating that song came on the radio and they stopped the car, on 285, and got out and danced to it. I can’t hear that song without thinking about them. So, thinking back to that night 4 years ago at my home, we were all listening to old country music on the radio, which he loved to do, and even though TR was starting to decline, he and his Baby Raye got up in my kitchen and danced. I consider that night to be their Last Date.
But now he is in a better place. Not in pain and suffering any more and with his God in Heaven. He can stand tall again and walk with ease. In his last hour here on earth, Raye said she told him not to walk across that river, but to run. He is finally free of any earthly encumbrances and is where he has wanted to be for a long time.
I’ll never have a glass of champagne again without thinking in my mind, Cheers TR. Rest in peace my old friend.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Religion and Culture VI: Tuesday, October 13th, 2009: Scottish Heritage: Robert Burns

Gate City continues the Religion and Culture Series with Scottish Heritage in celebration of our upcoming Georgia CHIP event at the Stone Mountain Scottish Games. The famed Address To The Haggis will be performed in the traditional fashion with a bagpiper and escorts. Robert Burns Poetry will be recited by members of the Atlanta Burns Club. The incredibly vast amount of Scottish inventions during the industrial age will also be discussed. Neeps and Tatties will be on hand. Don't worry, there will be plenty of other food besides Haggis.
The event will be part of our regular communication on October 13, 2009. Dinner starts at 6:30PM. Program begins shortly after 7:30PM. Dinner is $7.00 (US).
"Warm-reeking, rich!"

Haggis somewhat resembles stuffed intestines (pig intestines otherwise known as chitterlings), sausages and savoury puddings of which it is among the largest types. As the 2001 English edition of the Larousse Gastronomique puts it, "Although its description is not immediately appealing, haggis has an excellent nutty texture and delicious savoury flavour".[1]
Most modern commercial haggis is prepared in a casing rather than an actual stomach. There are also meat-free recipes for vegetarians.
The haggis is a traditional Scottish dish memorialised as the national dish of Scotland by Robert Burns' poem Address to a Haggis in 1787. Haggis is traditionally served with "neeps and tatties" (Scots: swede, yellow turnip or rutabaga and potatoes, boiled and mashed separately) and a "dram" (i.e. a glass of Scotch whisky), especially as the main course of a Burns supper. However it is also often eaten with other accompaniments, or served with a whisky-based sauce. (Wikipedia)

Wha's Like Us? Damn Few And They're A' Died!
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Lt. Col. Richard P. Turner, Father of GCII Brothers Richard and Brit Turner, Has Passed.

Lt. Col. Richard P. Turner died peacefully in his sleep on july 26th at his home in Georgia. He will be given full USAF Honors when he is laid to rest on October 14th, 2009. He will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery along side his wife.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Gate City Dismisses Complaint Against Grand Lodge of Georgia
A civil Complaint filed against the Grand Lodge of Georgia, F.&A.M., and several
individual Masons has been dismissed today by Gate City Lodge No. 2 and Michael Bjelajac, its Worshipful Master. “We were very sad that we had to bring the Complaint initially,” said Bjelajac. “It was necessitated by the unrestrained actions of a few, which were contrary to the principles of Freemasonry and a prior written statement of our Grand Master.”
On February 25, 2009, J. Edward Jennings, Jr., Grand Master of Masons in Georgia, issued a written statement in response to inquiries from some members about Gate City Lodge No. 2’s having admitted Victor Marshall, a man of African American heritage. In his statement Grand Master Jennings said, unequivocally “. . . [Marshall] is a regular Mason and should be received as such.”
Despite Jennings’ determination two members of other lodges brought Masonic Charges against Bjelajac and Gate City Lodge No. 2 for admitting a “non-white man.” Gate City and Bjelajac, represented by members David J. Llewellyn and C. David Johnston respectively, then brought a Complaint in DeKalb Superior Court against the Grand Lodge of Georgia, those individuals who preferred the Masonic Charges, and the individual who agreed to chair the trial of the Charges. According to Johnston, “The Complaint was justified and resulted in the withdrawal of the Masonic Charges, which were without merit and totaling lacking in due process.”
However, Llewellyn said: “It is now appropriate to dismiss the Complaint in light of a recent Edict issued by the Grand Master, as well as other actions of the Grand Lodge.” In the Edict referred to by Llewellyn, Grand Master Jennings reaffirmed the universal principles of Freemasonry adopted by the Grand Lodge of Georgia, including: “Freemasonry is universal in scope, being a Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God, and . . . welcomes to its doors and offers its privileges to men of all races, colors and national origins who believe in a Supreme Being, . . .” Speaking on behalf of Gate City Lodge No. 2, including Bjelajac and its members, Llewellyn said: “We trust that the leadership demonstrated by Grand Master Jennings will be followed by all other members of the Grand Lodge of Georgia so that it is clear that any issues involving our basic principles have been resolved once and for all.”
Said Bjelajac: “It is time for all Masons to get back to what we do best – attracting the best men in our communities to improve themselves and work for a better world through our many Masonic organizations and charities.”
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
A civil Complaint filed against the Grand Lodge of Georgia, F.&A.M., and several
individual Masons has been dismissed today by Gate City Lodge No. 2 and Michael Bjelajac, its Worshipful Master. “We were very sad that we had to bring the Complaint initially,” said Bjelajac. “It was necessitated by the unrestrained actions of a few, which were contrary to the principles of Freemasonry and a prior written statement of our Grand Master.”
On February 25, 2009, J. Edward Jennings, Jr., Grand Master of Masons in Georgia, issued a written statement in response to inquiries from some members about Gate City Lodge No. 2’s having admitted Victor Marshall, a man of African American heritage. In his statement Grand Master Jennings said, unequivocally “. . . [Marshall] is a regular Mason and should be received as such.”
Despite Jennings’ determination two members of other lodges brought Masonic Charges against Bjelajac and Gate City Lodge No. 2 for admitting a “non-white man.” Gate City and Bjelajac, represented by members David J. Llewellyn and C. David Johnston respectively, then brought a Complaint in DeKalb Superior Court against the Grand Lodge of Georgia, those individuals who preferred the Masonic Charges, and the individual who agreed to chair the trial of the Charges. According to Johnston, “The Complaint was justified and resulted in the withdrawal of the Masonic Charges, which were without merit and totaling lacking in due process.”
However, Llewellyn said: “It is now appropriate to dismiss the Complaint in light of a recent Edict issued by the Grand Master, as well as other actions of the Grand Lodge.” In the Edict referred to by Llewellyn, Grand Master Jennings reaffirmed the universal principles of Freemasonry adopted by the Grand Lodge of Georgia, including: “Freemasonry is universal in scope, being a Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God, and . . . welcomes to its doors and offers its privileges to men of all races, colors and national origins who believe in a Supreme Being, . . .” Speaking on behalf of Gate City Lodge No. 2, including Bjelajac and its members, Llewellyn said: “We trust that the leadership demonstrated by Grand Master Jennings will be followed by all other members of the Grand Lodge of Georgia so that it is clear that any issues involving our basic principles have been resolved once and for all.”
Said Bjelajac: “It is time for all Masons to get back to what we do best – attracting the best men in our communities to improve themselves and work for a better world through our many Masonic organizations and charities.”
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Frank Vexler To Attend Tonight's Meeting and Conduct Fifty and Sixty Year Ceremonies
Worshipful Brother Frank Vexler, Master of the Fifth Masonic District, will be on hand this evening to conduct the fifty and sixty year ceremonies. Thanks Worshipful Brother Vexler!!!
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Royal Order of Scotland Will Not Be Participating In Highland Games CHIPS Event.
The Royal Order of Scotland has opted out of the Scottish Games CHIPS event hosted by Gate City II. No further information is available.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
The Grand Master Will Not Be Present at September 8th Meeting
The Grand Master will not be at our next stated meeting of September 8th.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Sunday, August 23, 2009
No Meeting on August 25, 2009:
Per our By Laws, there is no regular communication of Gate City Lodge no. 2 on the fourth Tuesday of August. Our next regular communication is on September 8, 2009 where we will receive Grand Master Ed Jennings. In addition, we will have Past Masters night as well as Widow's recognition night.
All officers are expected for Practice on Tuesday August 25, 2009 and Tuesday September 1, 2009.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
All officers are expected for Practice on Tuesday August 25, 2009 and Tuesday September 1, 2009.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Don't Forget: The Highland Games At Stone Mountain CHiPs Event:

Saturday and Sunday, October 17th and 18th, 2009, Gate City II will be holding a large Georgia ChiPs event at the Stone Mountain Scottish Games. We will need all hands on deck to make the weekend a success. All who volunteer will receive a weekend pass to the games. On hand will be Fifth District Master, Bill Kayma, and The Royal Order of Scotland. Shifts are 8AM-12:30PM and 12:30 PM - 5PM. Please sign up for your shift.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Atlanta Cyclorama Painting Donated by Gate City II's George V. Gress

The world's largest painting, 42 ft by 358 ft, was donated to the city of Atlanta by Gate City II's George V. Gress in 1898: The famous Cyclorama painting of The Battle of Atlanta. Brother Gress was a native of New York who prospered in the lumber business.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
WOW!!! What a Degree Conferral!!!

Gate City II put one up for the ages last night. Well known for excellent presentation and delivery of ritual, Tuesday Evening GCII pulled out all of the stops. The lodge was illumined by six new electric candles which produce a flickering, sombre, orange-red glow. Our formally clad brethren hit all the steps with exacting precision. David Herman, Degree Senior Deacon, and Beaux Pettys, Degree Worshipful Master, turned in stunning performances with ranging emotion and deliberate delivery.
Not to be outdone, David Johnston gave a perfect second section of which all the candidates received the lesson. Guest Lecturer extraordinaire, Randy Hazan, Fulton 216, gave a heart felt, precise, and excellent (as usual) Bible Lecture. Dan Genson performed a letter perfect and solemn Apron Lecture. John Guest's Charity Lecture was soft spoken, poignant and impactful. The Northeast Corner Lecture was inimitably thrown down by Beaux Pettys.
Many guests were in attendance. Among them, Norman Evans, from Gainesville, commented that Gate City's performance was the best Entered Apprentice Degree that he'd ever seen. Rusty Newport, Acacia, called it, "Phenomenal."
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wallace Summitts Kilimanjaro:

Senior Warden, Bill Wallace traveled to Africa, on the 5th of July, with achieving the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro as his mission. The expedition left the town of Arusha and the trek began on the 8th of July through the Machame Gate. The Machame trail is the most challenging route on Mt. Kilimanjaro.
The team traveled through 5 different climate zones and a number of camps before finally arriving at the Kosovo high camp. The elevation at this level was above 16,000 feet. After climbing for 9 hours on Sunday the 12th, the team took to their tents at 4:00 p.m. to rest for the summit attempt.
Wake-up was at 11:00 p.m. that evening. After eating and drinking fluids, the team began the difficult final climb at mid-night. Each team member used a headlamp as the only means of light to travel the route while maintaining a slow but steady pace.

The entire team successfully achieved the 19,340 foot summit of Mt Kilimanjaro at 8:30 a.m. on the 13th of July. That was only the beginning! The downward journey was equally difficult and tiring and took 4 hours to get back to Kosovo. Afterwards, the team packed up and trekked 5.5 more hours back to the base camp at Mweka.
The journey was successful, the summit was achieved, the pictures provide great memories, but best of all……..friends of Bill Wallace were able to raise significant donations for Doctors without Borders as a result of this goal.

Gate City Summer Schedule:
Gate City II's summer meetings are as follows: 2nd Tuesday in June, 4th week in July, 2nd week in August. We do not meet on the 4th Tuesday in June, the 2nd Tuesday in July or the 4th Tuesday in August. An easy way to remember meetings during the summer is 2,4,2.
In summary, there will be a meeting on August 11th. There will not be one on August 25th. September resumes our normal schedule. The Grand Master of Masons in Georgia, Edward Jennings, will be present for an official visitation on our first meeting in September.
In summary, there will be a meeting on August 11th. There will not be one on August 25th. September resumes our normal schedule. The Grand Master of Masons in Georgia, Edward Jennings, will be present for an official visitation on our first meeting in September.
Four To Receive EA at Next Meeting:
Four candidates will be initiated on August 11, 2009, at Gate City II's next regular communication. As always, the degree will be conferred in formal attire and proper lighting. The candidates professions range from Emory Law School Student to Pharmaceutical Salesman.
Beaux Pettys will confer the degree.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Beaux Pettys will confer the degree.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
New Pool Party Date: August 15th
David Johnston's Pool Party was rescheduled for August 15th. The festivities will commence at 6PM. Bring family and friends.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Monday, July 13, 2009
Wallace to summitt Kilimanjaro today!

According to his itenerary, Senior Warden, Bill Wallace, should be on top of Mount Kilimanjaro right about now. We haven't heard from him. There isn't any cell service or email.
God speed Brother Wallace. Don't forget to be at Lodge on the 28th, death is no excuse.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Charge Yourself!!!
Many well intentioned Brethren have deluged members of Gate City II with offers of preferring charges against Brothers Hicks, Etheridge and Tyroff for Masonic crimes.
Don't go charging anyone...other than yourself. Charge yourself to be a better man. Charge yourself with falling short of the glory of the Grand Architect and then do something about it. Use that energy and zeal for the betterment of the Craft.
So Mote It Be.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Don't go charging anyone...other than yourself. Charge yourself to be a better man. Charge yourself with falling short of the glory of the Grand Architect and then do something about it. Use that energy and zeal for the betterment of the Craft.
So Mote It Be.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Monday, June 29, 2009
John Modling Has Passed
Former Scottish Rite Secretary and great worker in the Craft John Modling died Friday morning. He had a stroke two weeks ago and complications included pnuemonia. The family will be receiving visitors Tuesday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 at Patterson's in Sandy Springs on Allen Road.
Patterson HM & Son Funeral Directors -
173 Allen Rd NE, Sandy Springs - (404) 851-9900
Family-Placed Death Notice
MODLING, John -- John Benjamin Modling, 85, of Atlanta, died June 26, 2009. He is survived by his wife, Rose Weston Modling; daughter, Catherine M. Bennett and her husband, David; granddaughter, Catherine Weston "Kaki" Bennett; brother, Douglas L. Modling; and sister, Virginia Carnes. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, 3526 Piedmont Rd., NE, Building 6, Suite 300, Atlanta, GA 30305. The family will receive friends Tuesday, June 30, 2009, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at H.M. Patterson and Son, Arlington Chapel, 173 Allen Rd., NE, Sandy Springs, GA 30328.
The funeral will be private for the family only.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Former Scottish Rite Secretary and great worker in the Craft John Modling died Friday morning. He had a stroke two weeks ago and complications included pnuemonia. The family will be receiving visitors Tuesday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 at Patterson's in Sandy Springs on Allen Road.
Patterson HM & Son Funeral Directors -
173 Allen Rd NE, Sandy Springs - (404) 851-9900
Family-Placed Death Notice
MODLING, John -- John Benjamin Modling, 85, of Atlanta, died June 26, 2009. He is survived by his wife, Rose Weston Modling; daughter, Catherine M. Bennett and her husband, David; granddaughter, Catherine Weston "Kaki" Bennett; brother, Douglas L. Modling; and sister, Virginia Carnes. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, 3526 Piedmont Rd., NE, Building 6, Suite 300, Atlanta, GA 30305. The family will receive friends Tuesday, June 30, 2009, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at H.M. Patterson and Son, Arlington Chapel, 173 Allen Rd., NE, Sandy Springs, GA 30328.
The funeral will be private for the family only.
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Monday, June 22, 2009
Joe Brooks Resigns Plural Membership In Metro Daylight Lodge:
Joe Brooks, a Freemason for over fifty years, has resigned plural membership status in Metro Daylight Lodge. Joe is a well loved staple of Gate City II and a thirty third degree Scottish Rite Mason. Joe Brooks is a Past Master of both Metro Daylight and Gate City Lodges.
Correction Posted by Beaux.
Correction Posted by Beaux.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
David Herman Resigns as District Deputy to The Grandmaster:
"After hearing these charges read in my lodge, I thought about it for a full day, then called the Grand Master and resigned. As a District Deputy, I must be the Grand Master's representative; nothing more and nothing less. Yet, as a Freemason, I could not sit on the sideline and be a passive witness to these events. I resigned so that I might stand with my Brethren. That decision was easy - in fact, I had no choice at all if I was to live up to the teachings of all those Masonic lectures I've given and heard over the years."
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Masonic Cookbook of Gate City II:
Here's the cookbook. Take a handful of diligent brethren, the six points below, give it three to five years and it will happen. It's nothing new, just a how to.
The purpose of this article is to share the processes and programs which took us from where we were to where we wanted to be, and how we got there. Every lodge has its own momentum, its own fit in the community, its own flavor and style. The resurgence of Gate City II started with Mike Bjelajac and myself as the main proponents. We worked diligently in every aspect of improvement.
We started by considering what we ourselves would like to see. We then moved to what would attract others to our lodge and ultimately how to keep them. Through difficulties and the naturally occurring personnel shifts of today's mobile society, the Lodge ebbed and flowed for a few years but still managed to gain and keep several key members: Doug Hrabe, Chris Wilson, Donald Hall, Nick Hayes, Bill Wallace and Edwin Demars. We established elements of all of the six points but could never really find time to fully implement the last three (we didn't even have a name for them).
We started to more clearly define what was needed around September of 2007. Everyone has day jobs and several of us had more than one role in the lodge to fulfill. We were all stretched a bit thin. I always knew that an active Craftsmen's club of PMs was the key. I ended my two year stint as master in December 2007. After resolving some difficult situations which ultimately made us closer, I knew it was time to seal the deal and finish what we started. Still, here was no real name for the points, just the clear idea that they were necessary.
With each stride in completing the six points, the change was palpable. By the time our annual retreat came around in 2008, everyone knew we were on to something. We closed the deal with the introduction of the Religion and Culture Series as well as an active blog and website which showcase the feel of the Lodge. These six points, were only named after David Herman asked Gate City II for a presentation at the DeKalb County Masonic Association. After a lot of consideration, these six points became concrete...or cement.
We are an in town Lodge operating in one of the largest and racially diverse cities in the United States. You may not agree with our approach or make up, you may not like our formality, you might think we have a Lodge ego the size of our great city, that's okay. These points are universal and common sensible and could help your lodge as well.
1. Appearance of the Brethren. Gate City already had the custom of having our officers wear tuxedos, and it was a small matter to reinforce this, and to ask the rest of the brethren to wear a coat and tie when at all possible; for many, this was already their normal lodge attire.
2. Ritual Proficiency and Execution. We decided that it wasn't enough to be "merely proficient" - we wanted to do the work with a crisp, military precision, having everyone move, face, or be still as a team. We decided to step up to this level of execution for the officers ourselves and for our sideline members - but most especially for our candidates, who come to us seeking something special, outside of and above their workaday experiences; we wanted our love of the ritual to shine through.
3. Appearance of the Lodge. Two weeks after I was elected Worshipful Master, I pulled the shag carpeting out of the South Lodge Room and installed a granite and marble tessellated floor. We turned off the fluorescent lights, turned down the incandescent lights, and began using actual candles to represent the Three Lesser Lights. We feel that this sets the tone nicely for a beautiful Masonic evening. A quick visit to will give you a feel for the present appearance
- and, in fact, we worked out a brand new website, because that's all a great many people will ever see of our lodge, and we wanted to put our best foot forward.
4. Fellowship. One of the most important draws for a new brother is fellowship. Bonds of friendship are forged during unstructured time.
You don't get to know the fellow across from you while you are sitting in lodge; it is outside of the lodge meetings where you truly connect; it is at the planning sessions and at refreshment that men become brethren in the full realization of that bond. Gate City goes that all one further by having various social gatherings throughout the year and an annual weekend retreat, where we get to know each other between cycles of ritual practice, event planning, catechism work and pitching in to prepare and clean up the meals.
5. Education . People come into Freemasonry with a variety of expectations. Some are seeking enlightenment, or at least help along that path; most expect regular lessons on symbolism, morality, personal development and the meaning of life. They don't join for a place to have hot dogs and coffee (although that may be a welcome side effect). They come to find something that has been missing, something that is worth their time away from their families, the television, the internet and the myriad of other things that one could be doing during a lodge meeting. This year we actually combined Education, Outreach and Publicity, and bundled them up into our Religion & Culture series. With an aggressive kick off of eight programs, we are opening each one to members, families, friends, prospective members, brethren from other lodges and the public in general. These programs cover a variety of topics, including an Introduction to Hinduism and the Kashi Atlanta Ashram (65 guests attended); an Ancient Islamic Poetry reading and explanation, a recital of Hayden, Mozart and Mendelssohn (all Masons); remembrances of a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz and Russian purges; a Deacon will speak on the Catholic Church's historical and present position on Freemasonry; an overview of Shamanic practices; and more to be booked.
6. Programs: . The Atlanta Masonic Temple does not have any kitchen facility, so we had to think outside of the box if we wanted to contribute to charities in our community - no pancake breakfast or fish fry events. We have raised and donated money through bowling for Susan G. Kommen for the Cure Foundation and we have hosted GACHIP events, we've raised money for fallen police officers, but this year we will be branching out further, hosting a Jazz show in Decatur, with the proceeds going to the Doctors Without Borders charity. Additionally, our Senior Warden, Bill Wallace, will be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa as a fundraiser for Doctors without Borders, and he will unfurl a Masonic flag at the summit. Other programs are the instruction of a productive website which features the flavor of your lodge and not a calendar from 2001. For our purposes, a program can merely be a specialized implementation of any of the preceding five points but also refer to presentations, communications or charitable endeavors.
Beaux Pettys
Copyright, Gate City II, 2009
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
The purpose of this article is to share the processes and programs which took us from where we were to where we wanted to be, and how we got there. Every lodge has its own momentum, its own fit in the community, its own flavor and style. The resurgence of Gate City II started with Mike Bjelajac and myself as the main proponents. We worked diligently in every aspect of improvement.
We started by considering what we ourselves would like to see. We then moved to what would attract others to our lodge and ultimately how to keep them. Through difficulties and the naturally occurring personnel shifts of today's mobile society, the Lodge ebbed and flowed for a few years but still managed to gain and keep several key members: Doug Hrabe, Chris Wilson, Donald Hall, Nick Hayes, Bill Wallace and Edwin Demars. We established elements of all of the six points but could never really find time to fully implement the last three (we didn't even have a name for them).
We started to more clearly define what was needed around September of 2007. Everyone has day jobs and several of us had more than one role in the lodge to fulfill. We were all stretched a bit thin. I always knew that an active Craftsmen's club of PMs was the key. I ended my two year stint as master in December 2007. After resolving some difficult situations which ultimately made us closer, I knew it was time to seal the deal and finish what we started. Still, here was no real name for the points, just the clear idea that they were necessary.
With each stride in completing the six points, the change was palpable. By the time our annual retreat came around in 2008, everyone knew we were on to something. We closed the deal with the introduction of the Religion and Culture Series as well as an active blog and website which showcase the feel of the Lodge. These six points, were only named after David Herman asked Gate City II for a presentation at the DeKalb County Masonic Association. After a lot of consideration, these six points became concrete...or cement.
We are an in town Lodge operating in one of the largest and racially diverse cities in the United States. You may not agree with our approach or make up, you may not like our formality, you might think we have a Lodge ego the size of our great city, that's okay. These points are universal and common sensible and could help your lodge as well.
1. Appearance of the Brethren. Gate City already had the custom of having our officers wear tuxedos, and it was a small matter to reinforce this, and to ask the rest of the brethren to wear a coat and tie when at all possible; for many, this was already their normal lodge attire.
2. Ritual Proficiency and Execution. We decided that it wasn't enough to be "merely proficient" - we wanted to do the work with a crisp, military precision, having everyone move, face, or be still as a team. We decided to step up to this level of execution for the officers ourselves and for our sideline members - but most especially for our candidates, who come to us seeking something special, outside of and above their workaday experiences; we wanted our love of the ritual to shine through.
3. Appearance of the Lodge. Two weeks after I was elected Worshipful Master, I pulled the shag carpeting out of the South Lodge Room and installed a granite and marble tessellated floor. We turned off the fluorescent lights, turned down the incandescent lights, and began using actual candles to represent the Three Lesser Lights. We feel that this sets the tone nicely for a beautiful Masonic evening. A quick visit to will give you a feel for the present appearance
- and, in fact, we worked out a brand new website, because that's all a great many people will ever see of our lodge, and we wanted to put our best foot forward.
4. Fellowship. One of the most important draws for a new brother is fellowship. Bonds of friendship are forged during unstructured time.
You don't get to know the fellow across from you while you are sitting in lodge; it is outside of the lodge meetings where you truly connect; it is at the planning sessions and at refreshment that men become brethren in the full realization of that bond. Gate City goes that all one further by having various social gatherings throughout the year and an annual weekend retreat, where we get to know each other between cycles of ritual practice, event planning, catechism work and pitching in to prepare and clean up the meals.
5. Education . People come into Freemasonry with a variety of expectations. Some are seeking enlightenment, or at least help along that path; most expect regular lessons on symbolism, morality, personal development and the meaning of life. They don't join for a place to have hot dogs and coffee (although that may be a welcome side effect). They come to find something that has been missing, something that is worth their time away from their families, the television, the internet and the myriad of other things that one could be doing during a lodge meeting. This year we actually combined Education, Outreach and Publicity, and bundled them up into our Religion & Culture series. With an aggressive kick off of eight programs, we are opening each one to members, families, friends, prospective members, brethren from other lodges and the public in general. These programs cover a variety of topics, including an Introduction to Hinduism and the Kashi Atlanta Ashram (65 guests attended); an Ancient Islamic Poetry reading and explanation, a recital of Hayden, Mozart and Mendelssohn (all Masons); remembrances of a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz and Russian purges; a Deacon will speak on the Catholic Church's historical and present position on Freemasonry; an overview of Shamanic practices; and more to be booked.
6. Programs: . The Atlanta Masonic Temple does not have any kitchen facility, so we had to think outside of the box if we wanted to contribute to charities in our community - no pancake breakfast or fish fry events. We have raised and donated money through bowling for Susan G. Kommen for the Cure Foundation and we have hosted GACHIP events, we've raised money for fallen police officers, but this year we will be branching out further, hosting a Jazz show in Decatur, with the proceeds going to the Doctors Without Borders charity. Additionally, our Senior Warden, Bill Wallace, will be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa as a fundraiser for Doctors without Borders, and he will unfurl a Masonic flag at the summit. Other programs are the instruction of a productive website which features the flavor of your lodge and not a calendar from 2001. For our purposes, a program can merely be a specialized implementation of any of the preceding five points but also refer to presentations, communications or charitable endeavors.
Beaux Pettys
Copyright, Gate City II, 2009
Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
Gate City II donates Black and White Granite & Marble, as well as floor plaque, for Grady Bozeman Memorial at York Rite Building:

A little over two years ago, Gate City II donated White Carrara Marble and Black Zimbabwe Granite to the York Rite Building in Macon. The floor was modeled after Gate City's new floor in the South Lodge of the Masonic Temple.
Just after the project was completed, Grady Bozeman, an officer of the Grand Lodge of Georgia and Past Grand High Priest of the York Rite, was shot and killed. The idea came to install floor plaques at the four threshholds of the lobby with the one at the entrance bearing a memorial to Grady. Gate City also donated the floor plaques.

Gate City II is an Atlanta Masonic Lodge. We are Free and Accepted Masons working under the jurisdiction of The Grand Lodge of Georgia. We meet at the Atlanta Masonic Center (formerly The Atlanta Masonic Temple) 1690 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309
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